“A Queen Is Born,” a new Netflix series, made quite an entrance once hitting the platform. With the hosts being Brazilian rapper Gloria Groove, and actor Alexia Twister, this new Brazilian drag show helps drag queens reach their biggest drag dreams. The six-episode season is filled with encouragement, love and plenty of glam.
The hosts — or as they call themselves, the Godmothers — make their biggest priority for these drag queens to awaken the inner drag queen in them. They use praise and love to encourage their contests to be their truest form of selves. Similar to another Netflix show, “Queer Eye,” the series is all about discovering who you really are and letting go of those who have hurt you. Both LGBTQ+ centered shows advocate for self love and working on yourself.

Throughout the episodes, we get to see multiple stories of different drag queens. Coming onto the show, they express the pain and abandonment they have experienced from friends and family. The Godmothers not only try their best to teach self-acceptance but also help mend some of those abandoned relationships. As the contestant is going through this transformation, one of the Godmothers, Gloria Groove, takes it upon herself to speak with the family member who has expressed negative feelings about drag. She tries her best to help them understand and show how happy this makes the contestant feel.
Almost like another loved drag show, “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” the Godmothers evaluate the contestants’ style, makeup, dance moves, capability in heels, and of course the runway strut. The uniqueness of this show comes from the techniques Groove and Twister use to help the contestant. To better understand how the contestant envisions their inner drag queen, the Godmothers use a rag doll. The contestants are able to customize the ragdoll in whatever way they picture themselves in drag. This helps both the Godmothers and the contestants to picture the end result of the transformation.
Overall, I believe this show is going to be a success on Netflix. With the lessons that are taught and the love that is felt throughout the season, I would be surprised if Netflix did not create another season.