>>The movie “The Giver” explores the world of Jonas, a young male who lives in a world that is filled with conformity. The world is colorless, lifeless and emotionless, until Jonas (Brenton Thwaites) meets with The Giver (Jeff Bridges) who is responsible for the memories of the world in which they live. Jonas begins exploring and realizes that there is more to life than what he was living and wants everyone in the community to experience it also. “The Giver” is based on Lois Lowry’s 1993 award-winning novel. The movie is mildly intense, but definitely keeps you interested in what is transpiring. I believe that the producers could have done a little more graphically in some places. There is a good balance in the film, though. Scenes are not too graphic nor are they too romantic; and the storyline, in my opinion, is true to the novel. I was extremely excited about the release of the movie, and I did not leave the theatre dissatisfied. I definitely recommend seeing “The Giver.”
The Giver
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