“Wolf Boys,” written by Dan Slater, is a riveting story that plunges the reader into the violent world of a Mexican drug cartel. At first, I was expecting it to be a slow read. Then, to my surprise, the pace quickened. At first glance, Gabriel Cardona appears to be a normal American teenager, but under the surface of his poster-boy look is a hardened criminal. At the ripe age of 18, Cordona is working his way up in the business; “going national” as they call it. In the United States, a detective named Robert Garcia, has been transferred to local crimes. Robert and Gabriel seemed to be on separate paths. Little did they know, they were closer than ever to meeting up. The focus of the book is on teens that were turned to the disheveled Mexican drug trade. This focus pulls in the reader as quickly as a fictional mystery. But this is a nonfiction story, written so well it seems like a fictional thriller. The action scenes had me hooked. Once the pace picked up it didn’t seem to stop. When Cordona is taken into the United States for a drive by, he is questioned about his boss. Once he returns to Mexico, Garcia is closer to tracking down one of the biggest drug lords of Laredo, Mexico. This book is a great read, but its one drawback is that gang members are talked about in great length, and at times, it is hard to keep up with the large number of characters and their backgrounds. Other than that, this is an amazing book!