Farewells from The Reflector senior staff: 2015-2016

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Michael Rheinheimer, Opinion Editor

Through the years, I have tried to make sense of the hand I’ve been dealt. Finally I discovered the good book—the works of Joseph Campbell. His theories on the Hero’s Journey have helped me change my perspective. I’m not suffering; I’m the hero of my story. The hero needs to be tested.  I guess the best advice I can give is understand that there are two types of people in this world. The first type have lived, and will continue to live, untested, dull, meaningless lives. Malvina Reynolds’ 1962 song “Little Boxes” describes their lives well. Give it a listen. The second type of people are fighters. They have been brought to the brink time and time again, only to come back, damaged but slowly becoming something stronger. They are, in the words of William Ernest Henley in his poem “Invictus,”  “bloody, but unbowed.”  If you are one of the first type, more power to you. If that’s the life you want, then by all means, live it. But if you are one of the second type, I look forward to when we meet again years down the line, successful and content, at the top of our industries, with stories to share of adventures and friends from far off lands.

“Come, my friends. ‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world.”

Kyle Dunbar, Art Director

I am honestly not sure where I may end up. But I don’t worry about it too much, since I know that I have a great network and foundation from my time at the University of Indianapolis. I’ve met so many great people during my time here. Some were mentors, others were teammates, and a great many of them I would count as friends. It pains me to think about how I may never see many of them after my time here, though I would be proud to work with them again. My time here was full of experiences, many good, others challenging, and some were the greatest adventures of my life. I’m sure this is not the end of my adventures. I will meet many other people on my journey, but I’m glad that this university has created such a great foundation for the rest of my life.

Robbie Hadley, Business Manager

I’ve had a bit less time to come to terms with graduation than others. When I started the school year, I assumed that it was my junior year and I would have a whole exciting year after that. So, I was both excited and terrified when I found out that I was on track to graduate early. I won’t deny that I still haven’t come to terms with it, but the bittersweet feeling continues. Graduation has made me look back and see how enjoyable college has been for me. Soon, I won’t be able to make midnight runs to Steak ‘n Shake, because I’ll have a job to go to. I won’t sleep in because I avoided scheduling morning classes. I’ll miss it all dearly. However, time doesn’t stop because we want it to. As an English major, I think I’m required to  quote poetry, and luckily Walt Whitman summed it up in this part of “O Me! O Life!”

“The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?


That you are here—that life exists and identity,

That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse.”

Kameron Casey, Photography Editor

I feel like I floated through college. Not in that it was easy or I was not present, more like “Holy crap it’s 2016 and I am about to graduate.” So here I am, writing the last thing I will write for The Reflector ever and it is bittersweet. I am glad to move onto whatever it is that I end up doing next, but I have loved my time here. I guess people give out wisdom in things like this? So here goes mine: Sleep. It is something I haven’t done in five years in college, and it has cost me dearly. Go to class. Half the battle is getting your butt out of bed and just being there; you have made it this far to college, stick it out. Start your homework, projects, etc.  ASAP. You will sleep more and hate yourself less.  In closing, I came into college a straight up dirtbag. A professor told me that he did not think I was going to graduate during my freshman year. But here I am, and I have no clue what comes next or what I am supposed to do, but that has been my entire existence the past five years, so I think I will manage. Until next time, kids.

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