“The Museum of Extraordinary Things” is yet another wonderful book by best-selling author Alice Hoffman. The main character, Coralie Sardie, is the daughter of the “professor” who runs the Museum of Extraordinary Things on Coney Island during the early 20th century. Coralie is a great swimmer, so she appears as the mermaid in her father’s museum. Coralie also acts with a 100-year-old turtle, a wolfman and a butterfly girl. After being sheltered all her life, Coralie decides to take an adventure late one night. She runs into a dashing photographer and Russian immigrant named Eddie Cohen. Throughout the rest of the story, Coralie and Eddie become united as one, despite the hard times they both have fallen on, as they try to solve the mystery of a young woman’s disappearance. This story has the perfect balance of romance and mystery, and the excellent storytelling elements only enhance the book’s passion. The book is marked at $16.83 on Amazon.
Museum of Extraordinary Things
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