The University of Indianapolis’ $28 million Health Pavilion opened this August on the first day of classes. Students majoring in nursing, pre-physical therapy or pre-occupational therapy, or anyone taking a health and wellness class have experienced a change in scenery after the classes move from Martin Hall to the Health Pavilion.
According to the UIndy News website, UIndy collaborated with Community Health Network to put together a building that would help bridge the gap between education and practice. The Health Pavilion gives students the opportunity to learn side-by-side with actual health professionals and provides the community with important resources.

Students can learn, study and eat in the newly constructed Health Pavilion which opened in August. Construction began during the 2014-2015 fall semester. Photo Chelsea Faulk
The website also said that the first floor of the Health Pavilion will act as part of Community Hospital South, with a physical therapy rehab center as well as treatment rooms and a gym that includes therapy equipment.
Also on the first floor will be a care center with examination rooms, which will allow UIndy students supervised hands-on experience in their chosen field.
The completion of the Health Pavilion will enable UIndy to keep up with its ever-growing undergraduate and graduate health-professional programs. According to UIndy News, the Health Pavilion not only lets students gain hands-on experience, it also allows them a nice area in which to study.
Several students have made the shift from Martin Hall and Ruth Lilly to the Health Pavilion for their classes. Sophomore community health education pre-OT major Megan Julian and sophomore exercise science pre-PT major Michelle Michaels are just two students making the move.
“I really like it,” Julian said. “Since I live in Roberts, it’s so close. It’s an easier walk [and]I see more professors, which is nice because I love saying hi to them.… Everyone seems really happy.”
Julian also said the setup of the building is really nice, if also hard to find your way around.
“It’s like a maze, but I finally know where the stairs are to get up to the third floor, so that’s good,” Julian said.
Michaels said she enjoys the building a lot more than Ruth Lilly.
“The temperature is better and so are the chairs and desks.… I don’t have to cram everything I use onto this tiny tray anymore,” Michaels said.
Michaels’ favorite things about the new building are the study areas and the dining options.
“It’s nice to have that there so if you have classes all day, you can stop and get something to eat in between,” Michaels said.
Julian also enjoys having The Perk inside the Health Pavilion. She just wishes it would stay open past 7 p.m.
“Since it is so close, I will spend more time studying there. And it would be nice to not have to cross the street to get coffee at nine or 10 at night,” she said.
The building was intended to help bridge the gap between education and experience, according to the UIndy News website, and Julian agrees.
“I think it’s a great opportunity for any kind of nursing or health professional student, because we are going to have more interaction with the public in the community because of the new clinic that is going in. And I feel like there is more of a space for us and more time to collaborate,” Julian said. “Everything about it is so cool… because we are given the equipment and the space to really learn.”