The only All Time Low song that I’m familiar with is the classic “Dear Maria, Count Me In” produced back in 2007, back when I would listen to the songs my older sister liked. I wouldn’t consider myself a fan of the band because I don’t listen to them enough and don’t know much about them. I’ve just really loved that one song since I can remember. Their new album titled “Wake Up, Sunshine” came out on April 3, so I was curious and interested to see what was inside the 15 song series.
All Time Low is a rock band, which is generally out of my music comfort zone. I don’t listen to rock, it’s just not my style, because it’s overwhelming for me, but I was looking forward to listening to decide if my mind would change. Before I started listening to the album, I noticed that two of the songs had featuring artists which were blackbear and The Band CAMINO. I got excited because I’m a fan of both artists.
The album starts off with the song “Some Kind Of Disaster,” and right away, I liked it. It starts off with one vocal singing “I’m a liar, I’m a sinner, I’m a sinner, I’m a saint..” and was actually kind of calming. After that, the rest of the chorus and background came in, but the whole song was pretty catchy. It seemed a little more calming than a typical rock song.
The sixth song was named “Wake Up, Sunshine,” after the title of the album and immediately started off with the typical rock music background. As the song continued to play, the artist said “Wake Up, Sunshine, somebody loves you” and I thought this was cute. I proceeded to listen to the song with blackbear, which had the ‘explicit’ warning next to it. The song called “Monsters” was catchy from the start, from the beat to the lyrics, despite the few curse words it had. blackbear came in a little after a minute into the song and made his part recognizable.
The next one I listened to, No.9 on the track was “Favorite Place.” I had high hopes for this one because The Band CAMINO is one of my favorite artists. The song started off very exciting for the first 20 seconds without any vocals, then slowly the singing started. As the song continued, All Time Low and the Band CAMINO did such a great job at collaborating and this was definitely my favorite of the album.
It’s always fun to go out of your comfort zone and listen or do something that you aren’t used to, which is how I felt about listening to this album. It really surprised me and I enjoyed listening to it. The songs were catchy and not overwhelming like a typical rock band. I’ll be adding this album to my playlist.