With 14 people on the field at all times, ultimate frisbee players aim to catch a pass in the opponent’s end zone. The game is played similarly to football. However, ultimate frisbee is a no-contact sport, according to senior cutter Briana Harrison. Harrison said her role on the team is difficult to put a title to because she plays, but she also assumes the role as coach during practices.
Senior handler Nick Reas moves the disc up the field in transition. Reas has been on the team for five years.
“I am just a player on the team that has more experience playing so I try and help in anyway [that] I can,” Harrison said.
When a player is in possession of the disc, they must stop running, but they may pivot and pass the disc to any receivers on the field. The player then has ten seconds to throw the disc. If the disc is held longer than those ten seconds, it is considered a stall and the disc will be turned over to the other team.
The ultimate frisbee team is non-sanctioned registered student organization that both men and women are allowed to join. Harrison said the team has come a long way since its beginning nine years ago. With increasing numbers, Harrison said the team has become a place to have fun and learn.
“Ultimate is a weird little community and family once you are in it and get to know everyone,” Harrison said. “It is so hard to leave it. The people on the team are amazing and the people in the Indy area are even better on wanting to grow the sport and help in any way.”
Recently, the team traveled to North Carolina for the Mars Hill Sprint Treaty, which Sophomore cutter Ben Hooker attributes as the best tournament that the team has played. During the tournament, the team went undefeated, scored 76 goals and won the tournament. According to Hooker, the team tries to compete in at least three tournaments a year and tries to go to at least one tournament further away.
“Winning the Mars Hill Sprint Treaty tournament was a big accomplish for us,” Harrison said. “This team is still in its growing period, but playing mixed [with both men and women] shows really, how great and how fast the students have learned the game. Most of the people on the team have been playing for less than four years and a tournament win is a huge accomplishment.”
Hooker said the team likes to be competitive, but providing a non-hostile and friendly environment for players is more important.
He said he likes to keep the environment casual. However, Harrison said it is easy for players to improve if time and effort is put in. She said the Mars Hill Sprint Treaty tournament is an example of the improvements that the team has made.
“People don’t get yelled at when they drop a disc or make a bad throw,” Hooker said. “We understand there are different skill levels and reasons for playing here on campus and we try to accommodate that…. We want to win our games and be competitive because who likes losing? But again, it is a friendly environment and at the end of the day, we are there to have a good time and play some ultimate.”