“Deadpool” shattered box office records, estimated at $135 million, and was one of the biggest R-rated movie openings. The movie tells the story of a former special forces agent Wade Wilson diagnosed with terminal cancer, played by Ryan Reynolds. He searches for a possible cure, which results in his being turned into a “superhero,” just without the hero part. “Deadpool” is by far the most sarcastic and daring Marvel character. Reynolds perfectly captured the role with his witty and comedic personality. “Deadpool” keeps you energized and on the edge of your seat throughout the entire film. My favorite part of the film was when it was revealed how the villain received his name. Although the movie is R-rated, it definitely pushes the limits by including all that it does. If you are looking for a comedic and action-packed movie to go to this weekend, I highly recommend this movie. Just be careful taking younger children with you.
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