Part crude humor, part odd romance and part disgusting, “That Awkward Moment” perpetuated stereotypes of the male mind and relationships in general. The movie follows three friends (Zac Efron, Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller) as they try to keep a promise to “live the single life.” At first, I thought the movie would be something to see on a bro night, but it was quickly clear that the romance went too far to meet standards of bro night. But the humorous elements and objectification of women could not make it comfortable for a group of girls to see, and the relationship imbalance would make it uncomfortable for a couple to see together. Besides the previously stated reasons, the movie closes with an all-too-familiar close up of Zac Efron blinking away tears while reading, and that was just too “17 Again” for me. The one highlight was Miles Teller’s comedy within the movie.
That Awkward Moment
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