ISG asks students’ opinions on campus issues

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In an effort to bring more attention to the group’s work on campus, the Indianapolis Student Government has established a table for the Schwitzer Student Center Hump Day events called “What Do You Want Wednesday.”

ISG Vice-President and junior  theatre major Abel Watson said that the table allows the executive board to interact with students to get their input on potential problems and suggestions for changes they would like to see on campus. “What Do You Want Wednesday” events also help bring awareness to ISG.


ISG Vice President Abel Watson staffs the“What Do You Want Wednesday” table in Schwitzer on Feb. 19.
(Photo by Jake Fritz)


“It is a great opportunity to inform them [students] of what is going on, that ISG is the student government, we are the voice for them and we are in fact working on whatever complaint or issue they might have,” said ISG Treasurer and senior psychology major Nicole Rodert.

ISG President and senior communication major DyNishia Miller explained that beyond being a requirement for keeping the University of Indianapolis’ accreditation, the Indianapolis Student Government serves as the voice of the students to the administration.

“We listen to student concerns, understand them and voice those concerns to the administration,” Miller said.

The ISG executive board also sits on student interviewing committees and advisory boards when administrative positions are being filled.

Rodert looks back at her time on the student interviewing committee for UIndy President Robert Manuel as one of her proudest moments in ISG.

“That [being on the committee] was a really great opportunity we got to have, to actually put in our input for the students on who our next president was going to be,” Rodert said.

Miller is not shy about her pride in the history of the ISG and the effects it has had on campus.

“We are trying not only to do new and big and amazing things, but we want to foster our history and understand where we come from,” Miller said. “One thing that stands out to me is that student government was one of the leading pushes to get a fall break.”

While the past student government helped bring fall break to UIndy, the current board has served as student input during the print management implementation, held the first Founders Day celebration, installed water bottle fountains and recently organized the Student Senate.

ISG also was instrumental in the change of venue for the upcoming graduation ceremonies.

“A big thing [project] for us is graduation location and the change from Nicoson Hall to Key Stadium,” Miller said. “Even if it [graduation] is not kept at Key Stadium next year, they realize that we have to have a bigger place, because limiting a student to only four tickets is just not an option anymore.”

ISG also is working on projects, such as registered student organization storage, commuter student storage and the possibility of having a “dead week” before finals.

Miller emphasized how important ISG is to making changes on campus and how equally important it is for students to be involved.

Watson underscored how important it is for students to be involved with ISG.

“Come to our meetings. That is the best way to get started and understand what we do and how we do things and how we run things,” Watson said.

Students who are interested in running for a position on the Indianapolis Student Government Executive Board should pick up an application at the ISG office and return it by March 7 at 4:30 p.m.


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