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Ender’s Game

Posted on 11.06.2013


>> Based upon a 1985 novel by Orson Scott Card, “Ender’s Game” is a science-fiction film that will captivate all ages. In the future an alien race, known as the Formics, has attacked the earth before and is gearing up to attack again, and Ender Wiggin finds he is called to act. Ender comes from a family of child geniuses and has spent his life being monitored by the government. This causes him to suffer from brutal bullying and familial resentment. Thanks to peer jealousy, he is deemed an outcast. When the alien race threatens to strike again, he is separated from his dear sister and horrible brother by the International Military and taken to battle school, where he is trained as a fighter. This futuristic film is a slight metaphor of the lives of child prodigies and explores this in a humorless, straightforward way. A plus is that “Indiana Jones” star Harrison Ford plays the role of Colonel Graff and Oscar nominee Hailee Seinfeld plays Petra. However, it doesn’t quite soar like a Rachel McAdams film.


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