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Nothing Was the Same review (ONLINE EXCLUSIVE)

Posted on 10.09.2013


It has been two years since Drake put out the Grammy Award-winning album “Take Care,” which helped launch him to elite status in the rap game. That classic album featured smash hits such as “Headlines” and “Take Care.”  When the new album, “Nothing Was the Same,” was released on Sept. 24, I hoped for an album that was just as good. Listening to it, initially I thought it had great lines, but was a little too slow for my taste. There weren’t any tracks that stuck out as club bangers as there had been on “Take Care,” except for “Started from the Bottom.” Another difference with this album was that it did not feature Lil Wayne or Nicki Minaj. To me, Drake is trying to show everybody that he can make a good album on his own. I am sure this album will continue to grow on me. My prediction? The album will probably go on to be the best of the year and help Drake add another Grammy to his shelf. With that being said, I think that I’ll go ahead and call this one a classic.


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