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A House in the Sky

Posted on 09.25.2013

“A  House  in the Sky” is a true story about enthusiastic freelance photographer Amanda Lindhout who is captured on a trip to Somalia and held hostage for 460 days.  Amanda begins by telling of her life and upbringing as a poor girl in a small Canadian town, where her only solace was found in outdated issues of the “National Geographic.” Amanda grows to become what she calls a “professional traveler” and works as a waitress only to spend months at a time on extended vacations in multiple countries. It is while traveling that she begins a casual love affair with Nigel Brennan, the man who sparks her interest and self-taught career in photography. The narrative takes you into her world and mind as she tells you of their struggles and fears while  they are being kept for ransom. While the story starts off slowly to build background, it gradually engages the reader’s mind and imagination in the hope for the release of captive Amanda as she hangs on to hope for freedom.


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