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Editors’ Forum

Posted on 04.10.2013

The Reflector asked its editors to comment on the marriage equality controversy and the social media debates it provoked. Here’s what they had to say:

Abby Gross, Editor-in-chief: Wow, your one-day stint as a pink equal sign and accompanying posts, tweets and screenshots REALLY had me convinced that you’re a political activist who is actually supporting the legalization of gay marriage. Not. How many of you have done something beyond hiding behind a computer screen? How many of you have read up on the gay marriage debate, excluding the posts on your social media feeds? How many of you are even registered to vote and equipped to make a real difference?

Kaitlyn Kopetski, Business Manager: I’m not trying to change the world with one click and drop of a new profile picture. I changed my profile picture to let my friends know that through all of this nonsense and bigotry happening, I support their right to love one another in the most complete way possible. In a world where hate signs are held up proudly, I too will fly my equality flag through my social media to show my support for those closest to me.

Leeann Doerflein, Feature Editor: There is nothing wrong with sharing your opinions on same-sex marriage and showing support for your gay friends, but Facebook is not the most effective place to share. However, Americans should make their opinion known to the Supreme Court. Research has shown that the court tends to vote with public opinion but unless you are Facebook friends with the justices, telling Facebook friends will only serve to annoy and will not result in social change.

Wade Thiel, Distribution Manager: It is important for people to voice their opinions about gay rights/marriage, but just voicing your opinion on social media sites is not an effective way to force change. If you believe in something, send a letter or email to your state’s lawmakers, and voice your opinion to someone who is involved in creating change.

Scott Mitchell, Opinion Editor: All people should be allowed to voice their thoughts, even Christians, who seem to be receiving a great deal of criticism for their opinions, which most people deem “archaic” or “old school.” I am not in favor of hate or inequality, although I do not believe homosexuality should be accepted in the church. The essential part of that sentence being, “in the church.” Attempting to force church doctrine on the government is not OK.

Anna Wieseman, Managing Editor: I am a firm believer in God, Jesus and the teachings of the Bible, but I cannot understand the need for so-called “believers” to interject these beliefs into subjects that don’t relate. In the instance of the marriage equality debates and legislation, protestors have brought religious beliefs into the mix. Harshly judging others is just as much a sin as the protestors believe homosexuality is. Religion has no place in politics and ultimately weakens a person’s arguments.

James Figy, News Editor: I know couples who have been together for more than 10 years and are not able to get married. Most of the people I know want these couples to obtain that right. The best argument so far has not been in the courtroom but in Time magazine: “Gay Marriage Already Won.”

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