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Movie 43

Posted on 02.06.2013

Bound to be the next nominee at the Razzies, the “star”-studded blunder that is “Movie 43” left me feeling confused. The plot revolves around an insane Dennis Quaid proposing movie ideas to his boss, while the rest of the movie tells the stories. The stories serve to show just how out of touch Hollywood really is. “The Proposition” is simply disgusting, “Truth or Dare” is just mean and “Middle School Date” is downright creepy. However, buried among the stupid jokes and the obvious “Hey! Look at this; we’re hip and edgy!” pandering lies a golden egg. The segment “Homeschooled” portrays the parents of a homeschooled kid trying to make his high school experience as realistic as possible by sending him to detention and bullying him. If you are put off by beating cats to death or jokes that imply a kid is in love with his mom, save your money on this one. Go see “Zero-Dark Thirty” or “Argo.”Any movie is better than this thing.


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