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Tips for surviving college

Posted on 08.22.2012

1. Be social! The people you meet in college will likely be your lifelong friends.
2. Keep the peace with your roommate. You don’t have to be best friends, but you still have to live with him/her!
3. Learn the dining hall hours, especially on the weekends, or you will starve.
4. Keep a stash of food in your dorm. You will get hungry when there are no other dining options available on campus.
5. Take advantage of your professors’ office hours. Office hours are the perfect time to get extra clarification on an assignment.
6. Get to know all the students and professors in your major area of study. You will be spending the next four years with them.
7. Keep a calendar of due dates for each of your assignments. You don’t want to get caught up in one assignment and miss another.
8. Don’t get caught up in relationships. Meet new people and don’t let an old relationship make you miss out on opportunities.
9. Go to the library to study. The lack of distractions in the quiet environment will do wonders for your grade.
10. On your schedule, T means Tuesday, and R means Thursday.  TR means you have a class on Tuesday AND Thursday.
11. Do the reading. It may seem daunting to read a textbook, but it truly helps.
12. Find out which places have student discounts, and use them. Even small discounts can add up to a lot of money.
13. Make sure you check your UIndy email often. You never know when something may change about your class.


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