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Review: Fifty Shades of Grey

Posted on 08.22.2012

4 stars

Everyone has heard about the controversial breakthrough novel “Fifty Shades of Grey,” written by E.L. James. The novel, which has been on The New York Times Best Sellers List for 24 weeks, has made waves throughout the book industry since its debut. The story revolves around charming and handsome Christian Grey and his love interest, klutzy Plain Jane Anastasia Steele. The BDSM-based plot takes naïve Ana on a whirlwind ride through the twisted fantasies of the character she refers to as Mr. Grey. Although the novel is hard to put down, I was disappointed in the typical “opposites attract” love scenario. Where’s the diversity? But James makes up for this weakness by weaving the intricate details of Grey’s past like a web through the chapters, enticing the reader to quickly flip the pages. “Shades” delivers exactly what is expected of it. The book is a getaway for James’ target audience: stay-at-home moms and working women, a collection of females who are often forgotten.


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