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Review: Baroque Orchestra

Posted on 03.07.2012

4 stars

On Feb. 27, the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra performed in the Ruth Lilly Performance Hall. The orchestra was led by world-renowned Baroque flutist and conductor Barthold Kuijken. The orchestra delighted the audience with the finest music from the Baroque period. One of the highlights of the concert was the opening performance of Georg Philipp Telemann’s “Suite in D,” which began slow with a melancholy opening and ended strong with a trumpet-like fanfare. The third selection, Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G,” was an upbeat toe-tapper. The concluding selection, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s “Flute Concerto in D,” featured Kuijken in a masterful display of flute artistry. At the conclusion of the flute concerto, the audience showed their appreciation for an enjoyable night’s performance. They thunderously applauded and rose to their feet, congratulating the musicians on a wonderful show.

If you like this, check out “Jazz Concert Series” event on March 21 @ 7:30


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