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Review: The Vow

Posted on 02.22.2012

4 stars.

Inspired by true events, “The Vow” chronicles the lives of Leo and Paige Collins (Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams) after a car accident leaves Paige unable to remember the past few years of her life. The last she remembers, she was living at home, going to law school, engaged to another man and getting along with her family. In the years she can’t remember, she had moved to the city, become an artist, married Leo and no longer spoke with her family. Her family, who sees her lack of memory as an excuse to bring her home again, fight with Leo over what’s best for her. Paige’s family tries to adjust her to her pre-marriage routine and encourages her to sever ties with Leo, who is a stranger to her. With a Nicholas Sparks-like drama, starring two Nicholas Sparks actors (Tatum in “Dear John” and McAdams in “The Notebook”), this movie is an emotional roller coaster with a bittersweet ending that leaves viewers wanting more.

If you like this, check out “Dear John”


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