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Review: Kingdoms of Amalur

Posted on 02.22.2012

3.5 stars.

“Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning” is a new series that throws its name into a ring of an established genre of western fantasy role-playing games. The game has rich lore delivered by best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, but some of the plot and quests are fairly predictable. Still, “Reckoning” sets itself apart from the competition with its superb gameplay. The combat is action-oriented and just as addictive as an action-adventure game such as “God of War.” With the ability to customize characters, talents and skills on the fly, “Reckoning” offers a wide range of possibilities to fit your playing style. Characters and dialogue seem genuine and unique, even if graphically they sometimes look bland. “Reckoning” is a world with customization for very enjoyable gameplay.  If you can get past the cartoonish looking world and its characters, “Reckoning” offers an exciting imaginary world for you to plunder through and forge your own destiny.

If you like this, check out “Skyrim.”

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