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Review: Fuel Concert

Posted on 02.08.2012

3 stars.

Rock ‘n’ roll group Fuel performed on Feb. 1 at the Super Bowl Village in downtown Indianapolis as part of the Super Bowl 2012 festivities. The group, backed by lead vocalist Brett Scallions, performed many of its classic hits from the late 90s to the early 2000s. To the audience’s delight, Fuel played “Hemorrhage (In My Hands),” which is one of the most popular songs of the band’s career. Although the playlist was very short compared to most shows, the performance was very enjoyable, considering the concert was free. Additionally, the music itself teamed with the enthusiastic Super Bowl fans made for an exciting experience.

Surrounding the concert venue, downtown Indianapolis was flooded with people exploring the Super Bowl attractions.  During the concert, Fuel played many new tracks that the public had not yet heard, including some from the group’s upcoming album. The band’s free show was just one of many activities planned for Super Bowl fans in Indy to attend.

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