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Review: Wet Darlings

Posted on 04.06.2011

5 stars

Lead singer Jennifer Lute pulls in listeners with her sweet voice turned edgy and powerful as conveyed in the song “Butterfly” from the group’s second album, “So Long Lover.” The up-and-coming band, The Wet Darlings, play with emotion, power and a sarcasm that you won’t soon forget. With Lute’s voice and piano playing and the musical talents of Adam Bishara and brothers Bill and Joe Patterson, the music of this unique indie rock band will surely have you singing along and moving to the music.

The band slows the pace and brings you back to Lute’s sweeter, yet heart broken side with the songs “After All” and “Graduation (Go On).” With this second album, it is evident this band is sure to gain popularity and be around for quite some time. With hard-hitting lyrics, The Wet Darlings pack a great deal of emotion and sarcasm into this six-song album that will leave you wanting to hear more.


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