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Review: Body of Proof

Posted on 04.06.2011

4 stars

After an unfortunate car accident that has left her hands with random numbness and destroyed her career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Megan Hunt (Dana Delany) moves on to another career involving incisions and bodies—autopsies—because, as she says, “You can’t kill someone who is already dead.” Knowledge from her previous job, and anger from her past drive her to determine the cause of death using autopsies more quickly and accurately than any other medical examiner in the area. With the body as her proof, Hunt discovers not only what the body can tell her about the deceased person’s deaths, but also their lives. With this information, she tells detectives exactly where to look for suspects before the detectives themselves have even figured that out. Hunt’s know-it-all, sassy attitude adds another level of entertainment to what is already an intriguing and attention-grabbing show.


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