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Review: Adjustment Bureau

Posted on 03.09.2011

2.5 stars

In this adaptation of a Phillip K. Dick short story, titled “The Adjustment Team,” Matt Damon and Emily Blunt not only struggle against the forces of fate, but also against an indecisive script. In a film populated by Hollywood heavy hitters such as Damon, Blunt and the seasoned Terrance Stamp, the powerful performances are detracted from by a script that tries to do too much in its hour and forty five minute length. If it were to focus solely on the fate versus free will dilemma in the romantic setting, “Adjustment Bureau” would be far more successful. Instead, we’re presented with a messy hodge-podge of an action thriller, romance, and existential brooder all shoved into the less-than-two hour show. While enjoyable, the delightful performances of Damon and Blunt can’t overcome the conflicted nature of this film, and Stamp needs more on-screen time. This film should have been a slow burn, but instead, it fizzles.


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