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Review: A Shore Thing

Posted on 02.23.2011

0.5 stars

This is not a literary masterpiece, nor is it an average piece of fiction. The bargain bin wouldn’t lower itself to hold this piece of trash. No, this is not literature. When word that Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi would be releasing a book, an autobiographical work filled with pop-up illustrations and connect-the-dot images of fist-pumping guidos was expected. At least that would involve some form of problem solving or thinking. Instead, we’re saddled with a 200-page long, skewed perspective of night life on the Jersey Shore, filled with sexually promiscuous caricatures of silicon-filled women and juiced men who care more about their tans than their IQ’s. With chapter titles and plot lines as ridiculous as the author, this “book” is seriously better left alone. It makes one wonder whether giving up on education and pursuing East Coast infamy would be more productive. The only reason to fist pump is at the fact that, hopefully, you’re never going to read this.


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