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UIndy student balances school, work, and motherhood

Posted on 02.09.2011

For many college students, major concerns include term papers, Facebook notifications and how to spend their rest and relaxation time on the weekends.

However, some University of Indianapolis students, like Megan Waterman, experience college very differently.

Megan’s concerns are far from Facebook or going out on a Saturday night. She balances her full-time class schedule with being both a wife and mother.

A psychology major who plans to graduate in December of 2011, Megan is a successful student who juggles a family, a social life and a full load of homework.

Megan, who is now 24 years old, met her husband David when they were both working for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. Megan was a civilian and David was, and still is, a police officer. The Watermans have been married for two years.

“My family is extremely supportive of me attending school,” Megan said. “But it’s still difficult at times.”
Megan explained that she has difficulty finding the time to study because she not only is a wife, but also the mother of a 15-month-old little boy, Lucas.

“He is definitely a handful, but I love being a mom,” Megan said.

Megan described herself as constantly on the go, either preparing for school or playing her roles as wife and mother.

“Finding the time to study has been a huge challenge,” Megan said. “But it’s all about finding a routine that fits you.”

Megan attends class during the day; she is currently enrolled in 14 credit hours. She explained that she is extremely lucky that David works second shift so that he is free to care for their son during the day.

“I feel like the minority at school a lot of the time,” Megan said. “I haven’t met many other married students.”

However, Megan is glad she chose to come to UIndy.

“I was introduced to the campus by my cousin,” Megan said. “I really like the small campus and the small class sizes. It’s a good fit.”

Megan works hard to balance her academic life with the roles she plays at home.

“Professors have been really supportive,” Megan said. “They have always been accommodating if I’ve had a problem.”

Although she is a little uncertain about her plans after graduation, she is ready to rejoin the workforce and start providing for her family again.

“I quit my job to be a full-time student,” Megan said. “It’s been a positive and a negative. I am really lucky that I was able to do that, but it’s also difficult to survive on only one salary now.”

Megan, David and Lucas Waterman are a small family working to make ends meet and to live a happy, comfortable life.

“I’m just trying to get my degree and provide the most I can for my family,” Megan said.


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