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Review: Awakened

Posted on 02.09.2011

Mother-and-daughter team, P.C. and Kristin Cast, dazzle readers once again in “Awakened,” the eighth installment in the “House of Night” series. Zoey Redbird must return to the House of Night after her plans to remain indefinitely on the Isle of Skye with her Guardian, Stark, are ruined when Darkness reaches the Tulsa House of Night, resulting in the death of one of her close friends. Zoey must battle Darkness with her circle of friends.

The plan falters when she discovers that her best friend, Stevie Rae, has aligned herself with the creature, Rephaim, whose past is full of Darkness—although Stevie Rae swears there is good, Light, in his heart. The action starts on the first page and keeps the reader entertained with new information and ideas. You’ll want to read it in just one sitting. It will make you laugh, cry and eagerly flip through the pages as you follow Zoey and her friends through their tales of love, death, betrayal and war.


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