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Winter Intramurals Come to an End

Posted on 12.15.2010

According to Student Activities Coordinator Stephanie Barry, intramural sports had a tremendous turnout this year. Students from all over campus organized into teams.

They turned out to compete for intramural titles and to take a break from their classes, homework or jobs.

“I decided to participate because volleyball was my favorite sport in high school,” senior Lindsay Shade said. “Although I didn’t play in college, I still wanted to play for recreation, especially since all of my friends enjoy playing too. It’s comical to see how rusty everyone gets from not playing in a while.”

Intramural volleyball season just ended, and Shade’s team made the final four in competition. She enjoyed the experience for both the social and physical aspects.

“I have met a lot of great people through playing that I wouldn’t have met otherwise,” Shade said. “It is an awesome way to get students involved in the social aspect as well as the physical.”

Barry explained that small monetary fees are due for each team to compete in their respective sports. This money goes to help pay for intramural staff and to buy a prize for the winning team.

Sign-ups for next semester intramurals are underway, so students who want to get involved need to begin forming teams and signing up.

Barry explained that most intramural teams have about eight players, but that sometimes varies from sport to sport.
Intramural basketball has traditionally been very popular at UIndy, is starting sign-ups now. Team rosters are due Feb. 2.
Indoor soccer starts sign-ups next semester and Barry looks for large number to participate.

“Indoor soccer always has a huge turn- out,” Barry said. “So we are expecting the same next semester.”
Shade thinks intramurals are a great way to work out and get involved with athletics in college.
“I have also played intramural basketball and soccer. I just miss playing sports so much, and intramural sports are the closest thing I can get to playing again,” Shade said.
In addition to the upcoming winter intramural sports, the spring season will also feature different sports for students to participate in.


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