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Posted on 12.15.2010

I didn’t think that pop music could get any worse than “Your Love is My Drug” and “Blah Blah Blah,” but it has. Not only did I find the chorus that repeated the phrase “get sleazy” flat out offensive, but also lyrics such as “Be too sweet and you’ll be a goner.
 Yep, I’ll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer.” Also several of the titles when looked at carefully, spell out either profanity or suggest vulgar actions. Other than supplying long nights in the club with catchy beats, what does this album give to its more impressionable listeners?

The lyrics promote cannibalism, skimpy ripped clothing and drinking as the social norm when one gets older. Don’t believe me? Check out the hundreds of YouTube videos of preteens sporting their best Ke$ha look and dancer interpretations. However, my hat goes off to the drunken pop star for writing her own lyrics and achieving a brilliant mixture of auto-tuned homophones and amazingly catchy club beats.


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