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Zumba workouts provide fun, fitness for UIndy students

Posted on 10.13.2010

The University of Indianapolis offers a fun, upbeat and innovative workout class, Zumba, every Wednesday at 9 p.m. on Smith Mall, although the location may change depending on the weather.

According to the Web site,, Zumba was introduced to the United States in 1999 when creator Beto Perez brought it from Columbia. By 2005, the demand for Zumba instructors was at an all-time high, creating the need for the Zumba Academy, which is the educational division of Zumba fitness. It is now taught more than 60,000 locations, and in 105 countries.

Zumba incorporates Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow dance moves to create a hybrid workout of exercise and dance.

Zumba is an hour-long, free class that provides water and towels to students who participate.

Last year UIndy had an instructor from the YMCA come in to teach the class once a month over the summer.

Junior JJ Starr became certified to teach Zumba and is now the instructor, offering the class once a week.

After buying the DVD set and working out with her mom, Starr decided she needed to be certified and bring the Zumba party to UIndy.

“I contacted Samantha Frye, recreation chair for Campus Program Board, during the summer since I had been dancing forever and found out I would be the instructor,” Starr said.

Students dance and work out to the sounds of Latin rhythms at Zumba sessions every Wednesday night at UIndy. Photo by Kenny Norman.

Students attend with their friends to relieve some stress and have fun while working out.

“I love dancing, but dancing to work out and with other people is great motivation to have fun and lose weight,” senior Ashley Stenger said. “I love the music and the fact that the dance moves aren’t critical to know. They are easy to follow, and if you don’t understand, you can make up your own moves.”

After attending class, students can sign up for e-mails about where the location will be each week, because it is constantly changing.

“Two years ago, I attended a Residence Hall Association conference, and one of the sessions taught me how to Zumba.
Campus Program Board offered it last year, so I just kept up with it and even took classes over the summer,” Stenger said.
By incorporating international dance moves, participants gain a cultural experience they might not have elsewhere, along with the healthy benefits of working out.

“My favorite part about Zumba is that you don’t even realize you’re working out,” Starr said.

Students can sign up at the next class to receive e-mails and information about UIndy Zumba.


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