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Review: Lonely Avenue

Posted on 10.13.2010

Well-known novelist and music enthusiast Nick Hornby and singer/song writer Ben Folds recently teamed up to release the album “Lonely Avenue,” and what was the result? Brilliance. The tracks are made relatable because most are written from a first-person point-of-view and read like a short story, which is a benefit of having a novelist become a lyricist. Ben Folds provides the melodies that bring the words to life. Each song definitely makes you feel, whether its laughter after listening to “Levi Johnston’s Blues” or “Working Day,” or the sadness after listening to “Picture Window” or “Claire’s Ninth.” The music ranges from old style piano ballads to upbeat snarky pop. The story telling quality adds a unique spin on pop music. Whether you are a fan of literary genius Nick Hornby or renowned musician Ben Folds, you won’t be disappointed with this album, because it mixes the best parts of storytelling and music to make an enjoyable, high-quality collaboration.


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