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Review: Life As We Know It

Posted on 10.13.2010

This film features Holly (Katherine Heigl) and Eric (Josh Duhamel), two people with a mutual dislike for each other, coming together to raise their goddaughter in the unlikely event that the parents have died. This movie has plenty of twists and a previously unseen variation on the plot where a couple gets together and has a baby. In this movie, the couple is given a baby first and they begin to grow on each other afterward. Heigl and Duhamel pull off their roles rather convincingly and sell the situation well. At times, the film featured some explicit language that was not entirely appropriate or necessary in the scene. On the plus side, the movie is very fast-paced, and its humor is well-timed. However, it got a bit too dramatic toward the end, and it focused a bit more on Holly and Eric’s relationship than expected. “Life as We Know It” is rather funny and has its high points, but this movie might be best viewed by a young couple on a date.


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