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Does Obama deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

Posted on 10.28.2009

By Staci Reafsnyder | Entertainment Editor

On Oct. 9,  Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize because his, “diplomacy was too good to ignore.” (, The Elkhart Truth, Associated Press; “Gasps as Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize”)

Please repeat to me again what this is that you’re talking about?  According to, the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Peace Prize to our president because of his plans to reduce the world of nuclear weapons, ease United States conflict with Muslim nations and to strengthen the country’s commitment to combating global warming.

Has he really done all that in the few months he’s been president?  According to, Alfred Nobel stated that this prize was to be given “to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind,” and that “the person who shall have done the most or the best work for [union] between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

In other words, action, as in what the winner has done to bring world peace, not what he plans to do.  How is a Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to a man that hasn’t even taken action in securing his plans?

The Elkhart Truth stated, “the award appeared to be at least partly a slap at Bush from a committee that harshly criticized Obama’s predecessor for his largely unilateral military action in the wake of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.” If I read this correctly, another reason why our new president was awarded the Nobel was because they wanted to “Bash Bush.”

What if all awards were given to somebody just to insult somebody else?  It’s like telling Kate Winslet “Oh, we’ll give you this Oscar, but only because we want to smite Kate Blanchet.”

While Obama is talking to prime ministers in the Middle East, Americans loose their jobs due to cutbacks, Americans have to apply for unemployment and try to find ways to pay their bills on a biweekly paycheck from a government with not a lot more to give!

According to, the July 2009 unemployment rate report with county-to-county unemployment rates for the state of Indiana, the highest of those counties were Elkhart (16.7 percent) and Noble (16.6 percent) counties. Marion County, in which the University of Indianapolis resides, is at an estimated 9.5 percent unemployment rate, about 1.1 percent below the state rate of 10.6 percent.

Obama is spending the hard-earned money of tax payers to fund a $25 billion-a-year increase in foreign aid, and the overall budget for his spending plan for the next four years is to reach approximately $800 billion, according to What does that mean for us? It really makes a person wonder how this slump in our nation’s economy is going to get better when our president is putting government money into other countries and their programs when we can’t get the same services for ourselves.

Obama’s approval rating stood at 50 percent in September and rose to 56 percent this month, according to  Shouldn’t his approval rating be higher given that he was elected November of last year? It looks to me like the citizens of the United States do not feel as inclined towards this man as the Norwegian Committee.

Although I give him credit for wanting to make the world better, why is it that he is doing it elsewhere, when our nation’s economy is in the tank and isn’t going to climb out of it anytime soon?


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