Killzone 2 • Video Game
4 out of 5 stars
Guerrilla Games newest PS3 exclusive exceeds expectations on every front. Science-fiction based first-person-shooter Killzone 2 gives firepower back to the PS3’s flagship game library. Gamers with HD compatibility and Dolby Surround will immediately notice the level of detail that has been applied across the board.
The gameplay is beautifully rendered; crisp, colorful and sleek with sounds that are candy to your ears.
The single player campaign is well scripted and strays away from cliche hero antics and focuses more on teamwork and agile decision making. Multiplayer content is glorious for the impatient gamer, allowing you a variety of game modes and a deep level of achievements and class specialization. If you enjoy first person shooters in the slightest, definitely pick up this one.
• Courtny Cotten, Online Editor
Resistance 2, Halo 3, COD4: Modern Warfare