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A lifelong commitment

Posted on 02.18.2009

A lifelong commitment

A lifelong commitment

By Samantha & Courtny Cotten | Editor-in-Chief and Online Editor

SAMI: I am 21 years old, and I have been married to my husband, Courtny, for almost nine months now. Our friends sometimes describe us as “old and married,” and we normally agree. Single people just don’t get how much life changes after the honeymoon.

COURTNY: It certainly is different. Samantha and I had dated since our junior year of high school, and it has been interesting to see the way in which our relationship dynamics have changed. In the beginning, it was everything you’d expect – playful flirting, the occasional cute love letter and of course quick make-out sessions every chance we got. As we have grown older, our relationship has blossomed from one centered on lust to one geared toward love and appreciation for one another.

SAMI: Everyone warned us that our first year of marriage would be the hardest, but I’m not sure we were fully prepared for what we would face. Before we said, “I do,” we never argued.  Now we find ourselves fighting over the most miniscule things. Contrary to popular belief, there isn’t sex and romance every night. It’s a tough life, but it is because of our hardships that our relationship has evolved and matured. Together, we are learning so much about life and about each other.

COURTNY: I think it is important for us to understand that a relationship will not always be perfect. Coming into marriage, I tended to believe that I would be a perfect mate. I always saw myself as a generally caring, compassionate and thoughtful person. The problem with this logic is that our marriage was not about me. It’s about the two of us working together.

SAMI: I love being Mrs. Cotten. I love coming home to my husband every night. I love knowing that no matter what comes my way, I will always have my best friend at my side. As we approach our one-year anniversary, I can honestly say that we are not the same couple that got married on May 24. We are stronger, happier and more in love than ever before.



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