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Chivalry isn’t dead

Posted on 02.18.2009

Chivalry is not dead.

By Dan Dick | Distribution Manager

Ladies, if you want a happy relationship, if you want someone who will adore and cherish you, if you seek the companionship of a mate who will respect and encourage you, then you need to find yourself a nice nerd!

As a concerned member of this most esteemed, yet socially awkward assembly, I am compelled to speak with authority on their behalf.

I always hear girls complaining about how there are no “good guys” left, that the chivalric qualities their mothers often spoke of and their fathers embodied are the things of some bygone era. 

However, chivalry is not dead; I simply believe that many young women do not demand it from the young men who fail to offer it. Why should guys act chivalrous when the bad boy image is so attractive?  The bad boys and the ladies’ men of the world, who effortlessly find themselves surrounded by willing partners, can afford to have a less rigid attitude towards commitment.

They have many prospects, several options. Why ruin that by committing to only one person? Nerds, on the other hand, possess a level of dedication that would make a suicide bomber feel inadequate!  It takes an incredible amount of commitment to stay home on Friday night, when everyone else is telling you that you need to get out more, and watch the new episode of “Battlestar Galactica!”

We are the guys who dress up for movie premieres or conventions and are not be fazed by the befuddled looks we receive walking from the parking lot. We are not afraid to express the way we feel about what we love.  Who could be more chivalrous than the guys who emulate knights in shining armor!  If we care about something, or someone, we proudly display our affection to the world, despite the snickering of the less enthusiastic.

So if nerds are so great, why haven’t they asked you out?
Well, the average nerd views girls with a mental state somewhere between sheer terror and an almost divine like reverence.

I think that Steve Carell’s line in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” best illustrates our thought process, “I respect women! I love women! I respect them so much that I completely stay away from them!” Sadly, many nerds will admire from a safe distance rather then initiate contact.  Such adoration comes with an inability for nerds to articulate themselves.
Like any other set of skills, developing the art of socializing and conversing with girls requires practice, something most nerds rarely have a chance to utilize.

Despite my many failed romantic inquiries, I have acquired a higher level of social skills than many of my less fortunate brethren because I have repeatedly employed these skills.  I learned that I need to leave my comfort zone, and risk failure, if I am going to make any progress.

If you ladies don’t want to wait for a nice guy, you are going to have to be more aggressive.
In the spirit of acceptance and inclusion, I challenge you to meet someone new, someone you previously would not associate with.
Try to find out what kind of person he is, even if it seems you share no commonalities.

If you are indeed unhappy with the recent results of you romantic endeavors, then what else do you have to lose?


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