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Campus-wide domination

Posted on 11.12.2008

By Wille Little | Editorial Assistant

With more than 30 teams participating in the fall intramurals, members of the powder puff, flag football and ultimate frisbee teams all finished their seasons with a perfect record.

“The teams are fun to watch, makes us feel like we’re doing a good job right,” Intramural coordinator Kenny Daniels said. The Orange Crush, led by captain sophomore Sarah Hemmick, completed the season 6-0  winning their second consecutive powder puff championship.

“I really love the girls I play with,” Hemmick said. “This gives us a time to wind down from the hustle of daily classes.”

The ongoing trend of winning continued in flag football this season. Captain Matt Kohn, led the Dynasty through a sweep of the regular season, defeating their opponents in humiliating fashion. The Dynasty capped their season off with a championship victory over the competitive Batter-Shell team.
Ultimate frisbee ended with a battle of the eight best teams of the regular season. The championship game featured the North Division Champion Frisbeasts versus the South Division and reigning champion UIndy Distance.

With senior leadership from Derek Speer, the UIndy Distance finished of the post season with a victory and captured their second consecutive championship.

“We’ve proven that we are the team to beat, and we work hard to stay where we are at,” said UIndy Distance sophomore Josh Gornall. “I don’t know any other team that can compete on the level we are on.”

The first half of the fall season is coming to a close, and the volleyball portion is ready to kick off.  There are a total of 29 co-ed and women’s teams entered this season.

“This is a record number of teams for volleyball since I’ve been here,” Intramural Coordinator Ryan Loveless said. “I’m seriously pumped for this season to begin and for the fun to start.”


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