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Nickoson hired as student activities coordinator

Posted on 09.24.2008

By Jaclyn Dillman | Distribution Manager

Jessica Nickoson accepted the position as the University of Indianapolis student activities coordinator this June.

“I was excited to join the UIndy staff because the University of Indianapolis offers me everything that I was looking for in my first professional role,” Nickoson said. “I have always wanted to advise a programming board, and I appreciate the opportunity to oversee other student organizations as well as intramurals.”

Nickoson, born and raised in Lexington, Ky., is a graduate of Northern Kentucky University with a degree in English and criminal justice. She went on to get her masters degree from Indiana State University in student affairs and secondary education. Nickoson seems enthusiastic about her new position at UIndy.

“I also like working at a smaller university and being able to meet more and more students every day,” Nickoson said.

Nickoson’s job includes overseeing all registered student organizations, advise the Campus Program Board, and supervise the running of all intramural sports.

Since Nickoson started in the position, the Campus Program Board has added approximately 24 new members. Also, flag football and powder puff football have been added to the list of available intramural sports. Senior Kara Lamb said she is thrilled to get involved with powder puff football.

“We may be girls, but we still know how to get down and dirty,” Lamb said.

Nickoson also played a role in the organization of this year’s Welcome Week.  She said that she enjoyed the UIndy gladiators and meeting all the new students on campus. She said she is looking forward to having similar experiences throughout this school year and the ones that follow.

“Welcome Week has so far been my best experience at UIndy because I was able to interact with so many new students and talk to them about getting involved in campus life,” Nickoson said.

Although this is her first post-collegiate employment, Nickoson brings some experience regarding campus program coordinating. During her time at Indiana State University, she worked closely with the interfraternity council, and played a big role in the organizing of fraternity and sorority life. She worked closely with the Order of Omega at Indiana State, as well.

Some of Nickoson’s goals for the year include getting more students involved in intramural sports, expanding the numbers of students helping with the Campus Program Board and increasing school spirit in students across the campus.

Nickoson also wants to promote participation in homecoming week. She encourages students to find a way to participate, whether it’s voting for king and queen, attending the football game, or partaking in the all-new homecoming week penny wars.

Nickoson also voiced the fact that she would love to increase participation in the Residence Hall Association sponsored events as well as to boost student participation in Indianapolis Student Government.

“I would hope that all students join an organization, athletic or intramural team, or some other extracurricular activity on campus,” Nickoson said. “I think the college experience is more rewarding and fun when you’re an involved student.”

Although she has many ideas for the school year, Nicksoson says she is always open to new suggestions. She said loves meeting new people and supports an open door policy at her office in Schwitzer Student Center.

Kory Vitangeli, dean of students, works closely with Nickoson.

“Jessica has done a great job so far, and I hope that in the future she is able to accomplish all her goals and broaden the student activities base on campus,” Vitangeli said.


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