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International students embrace traditions

Posted on 12.12.2007

By Andrew Gouty
Online Editor

As this semester’s finals week grinds to a halt, campus parking spots and residence halls will become temporarily open as a sign that a lengthy winter holiday break is upon us. While some students will retreat home over break to family and friends, others will remain in Indianapolis for a variety of reasons.

Those international students who have opted to stay at the University of Indianapolis for the break have a treat in store for them this year. The second annual International Student Holiday Luncheon will be held on Dec. 18 at 11:30 a.m.

The event is planned by the UIndy Administrative Assistant Council, which has asked the campus for monetary donations to assist in paying for the meal. Small gifts also have been requested in an effort to host a gift exchange for the students.

“It’s a good chance for students to share the gift-giving traditions that we have in this country, as well as giving them the opportunity to share international traditions during the holidays,” said Cora Heck, administrative assistant in the International Division.

While some students are sharing meals and gifts with family and friends here in Indianapolis, others are traveling throughout the United States and the rest of the world during winter break. Take a look at these students plans for the break.


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